Protection to Cover the unexpected…
and more.
We all understand how life insurance can replace lost income, lost wages, children’s education expenses, and pay off a mortgage and/or other liabilities. While money never replaces any human being, it can be tremendous in helping ease the financial burden of such a loss. When you consider life insurance is a tax-free asset, its power becomes one of your greatest assets.

As we age and our assets grow, with our financial worries easing, many have bought into the coaching that this is the time to dump your term and even permanent types of life insurance. Before doing so, we recommend an evaluation of your existing policies, and/or consider adding protection for the purpose of the living benefits many policies include.
These living benefits typically have no up front cost and simply discount your death benefit should it be wiser to access your death benefit, while still living, for terminal or chronic illness. The terminal illness rider can provide access to a large portion of your death benefit for any diagnosis of 12 months or less to live. The chronic illness rider is designed to protect your family from the high cost of nursing home, assisted living, or home health care.
What if you could also leverage a portion of your assets to create a lifetime stream of tax-free income?
Doing this in a safe vehicle allows you to add a powerful resource to your retirement, helping ensure you never run out of money.
The wealthy have been using this powerful resource for decades because of the contribution limits of truly tax-free growth vehicles like the Roth IRA and Roth 401(k) for retirement.
In addition, life insurance can be necessary for Key Persons in your business, Buy-Sell Agreements and more. Our independent business model allows us to find the absolute best while always seeking the least expensive solution for you.